Government Regulation for Homeschooling

Government Regulation for Homeschooling

Does the government support homeschooling or all homeschooling in Indonesia or other country is legal.

Homeschooling in Indonesia is legal.

The Indonesian education Law (Undang-Undang No.20/2003) gives parents the right to select how to educate their children. The families who are turning to homeschooling want a more flexible curriculum that allows children to learn at their own pace.


This enables children being homeschooled to take an International Exam or K-13 National Exam to obtain an “Equivalent Certificate.”

UUSPN article 13 paragraph 1/ Pasal 13 ayat 1

Education in Indonesia carried out for the channel.

1. Formal Education Consists of 3 levels

Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education.


2. Non Formal Education

Serves as a substitute, supplement and/or complement to formal education in support of the principle of lifelong learning.

Non Formal Education has 7 types :

- early childhood education, youth, women's empowerment education, literacy, equality, work skills, life skill education.


3. Informal Education

Is carried out by the family and the environment (UUSPN) article 27 paragraph 1. This means that someone can organize informal education for students who are family members or neighbors who live in their environment.

Based on the functions and principles of providing education, informal education covers the broadest spectrum among the three educational lines in Indonesia.


Homeschooling legality is the mandate of 1945constitution in article 31 paragraph 1 (UUD 1945 Pasal 31 ayat 1). “Every citizen has the right to education.”

Every citizen is obliged to attend basic education and the government is obliged to pay for it.


Other government regulations that support the implementations homeschooling are :

• Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standard.

PP No. 19 tahun 2005 (Standar NasionalPendidikan)

• Government Regulation Number 25 of 2000 concerning Government Authorities and Provincial Authorities as Autonomous Regions.

PP No. 25 tahun 2000 (Kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Sebagai Daerah Otonom)

• Government Regulation Number 73 of 1991 on Education Outside of School.

PP No. 73 tahun 1991 (Pendidikan Luar Sekolah)

UU No. 20/2003 concerning the National Education System article 26 paragraph 6.

“Outcomes of non-formal education can be valved equivalents to the results of formal education programs after going through an equivalence assessment process by an institution appointed by the government orlocal government with reference to National Education Standards.”

Homeschooling includes informal education which is recognized as equal to formal and non-formal education after students pass the exam in accordance with national education standards. (Article 27 paragraph 2)

Protection and guarantee in the homeschooling implementation are stated in UU. No. 20 tahun 2003 (Article 5 of Law No.20/2003) :

1. Every citizen has the same right to obtain quality education.

2. Citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and/or social disorders are entitled to special needs education.

3. Citizens of remote or underdeveloped areas as well as remote indigenous people are entitled to special education services.

4. Citizens who have the potential for intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education.

5. Every citizen have the right to have the opportunity to improve lifelong education.

UU No. 39 /1999 article 60.

Human rights also protect children in order to obtain education and teaching in the context of developing their personality according to their interest, talents, and level of intelligence.


4. Citizens who have the potential for intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education.


5. Every citizen has the right to have the opportunity to improve lifelong education. UU no 39/1999 article 60. Human rights also protect children, in order to obtain education and teaching in the context of developing their personality according to their interest, talents, and level of intelligence.

* UU No. 20/2003, article 54 Paragraph 1

Community participation in education includes the participation of individuals, groups, families, professional organizations, entrepreneurs, and community organizations in the implementation and control of service quality.

* UU No.23/2003 Concerning the protection

1) Children Rights, that every child has the right to receive education and teaching in the context of personal development and intelligence level in accordance with his interests and talents.

2) The rights of children as referred to in paragraph 1 specifically for children with disabilities also have to the right to obtain extraordinary education, while children who have advantages are also entitled to special education.

The several laws (UU), that have provided legal guarantees for the existence of homeschooling.

The equality of homeschooling to formal education is truly recognized by the government after going through an equalization process that refers to national education standards and is carried out by institutions appointed by the government. The process equalizes informal education is referred to the National Equality Examination (Kesetaraan) which is carried out per package for elementary, junior high school and high school level. In 2021 National Equality Examination is replaced by AKM.

The homeschooling activating model is set into a community, it will become a non formal education instruction and enter the equality unit with the following requirement :

1. Have permanent legality, institutions or foundations (Yayasan) or others organizations that have been notarized and complete other supporting administrations.

2. Apply for and operational permit to the local education office government.

The requirements are absolute because to protect the educational needs of many people, there most be a dear institutional permit, to ensure the long term sustainability of the institution and guarantee a proper education process for the members.

According to the National Education System Law non formal education to or complement to formal education.

Sinergia Education or Sinergia Homeschooling already me complete legality and licensing as indicated by the license number below.

NPSN : P9984322

NOMOR AHU-0027880.AH.01.04.TAHUN 2016